angolóra. thomas hardy: the mayor of carterbridge chapter 1. a sztori horror-folytatása:
[előzmények: egy részeg ember (michael) eladta a feleségét (susan) és a lányát (elizabeth-jane) egy matróznak.]
The sailor took Susan and Elizabeth-Jane to the ship, and they sailed to the ocean. On the ship the sailor tied the woman to the cannon and shot her while the girl was forced to watch. Her mother's blood sprinkled on her face. The sailor cut out Elizabeth-Jane's heart while she was still alive. He roasted the heart and ate it. One dark, starless night the sailor heard a scratching noise from the bottom of the ship. He went to check and he couldn't find anything but a scared rat. He went back to his cabin and there were all the dead people he had killed before. The zombies tore his head, arms and legs off. Susan and her daughter took control of the ship. They sailed back home and knocked on Michael's door. He went to open the door and he was shocked. His daughter said: "Hi Daddy!" Michael tried to run, but his zombie family stopped him. They wanted revenge. There was an axe next to the front door. Elizabeth-Jane grabbed it and split Michael's head with it. Susan and Elizabeth-Jane ate his brain for supper...
the end. :D